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What Is A Polydioxanone (PDO) Thread Lift
what is a pdo thread lift

What Is A Polydioxanone (PDO) Thread Lift

Do you feel that your skin has become too lax and saggy? Why not go for a facelift treatment? Are you hesitant about undergoing facelift procedures due to long scar marks and risks of undesirable side effects? Worry not because thread lift procedures today are non-invasive and give natural-looking results.

Among the many types of thread lifts, Polydioxanone (PDO) thread lift is the most popular today. It is one of the most commonly done skin lifting procedures these days. PDO is soluble threads that get dissolved into the body and the thread lifting technique was developed in Korea. It improves the appearance of the lax skin, lines and wrinkles, skin folds and lifts the skin of the jawline and forehead. [1]

This article contains everything you need to know about PDO thread lift in Singapore.

What Are The Different Types Of PDO Threads?

There are different types of PDO threads. These include;

mono and braided pdo thread

Floating threads, Non-barbed threads

  • Mono-filament threads
  • Braided threads

types of barbed pdo threads for lifting

Barbed threads

  • Uni-directional
  • Bi-directional
  • Multi-directional

These threads are different from each other in terms of thickness, length, tensile strength, anchoring points, etc. Your doctor will select a type of thread depending upon the lifting and rejuvenation needs of your skin.

How Does Polydioxanone (PDO) Thread Lift Work?

how does thread lift work

When PDO threads are inserted and placed in the deeper layers of skin, they impart the following effects:

  • Mechanical Skin Lifting: The barbs present along the PDO threads create a mechanical pulling force and tension which instantaneously lifts the loose and saggy portions of the skin.
  • Collagen Production: PDO threads induce the skin cells to produce collagen, a protein responsible for the provision of strength and elasticity to the skin. Its production, in turn, fades away lines and wrinkles and improves the texture of the skin.[2]
  • Cellular Renewal: It rejuvenates the skin by inducing the production of new cells for their subsequent replacements.
  • Neovascularisation: New blood vessels are also formed in the skin. It improves the blood flow and increases the supply of nutrients to the skin cells.
  • Skin Firming: PDO thread lift contracts the fatty tissue which in turn increases the tone of the skin.

Who Is The Suitable Or Unsuitable Candidate For PDO Thread Lift Treatment?

concerns suitable for thread lift

The ideal candidates for this treatment are;

  • Those having mild to moderate signs of aging i.e. lines, wrinkles, saggy skin, etc
  • Women with ages between 30 to 55 years
  • Those who have developed some relapse from a previously done treatment like facelift, neck lift, etc.
  • Those who find little to no results from non-invasive face lifting treatments

PDO thread lift treatment is not suitable for the following candidates;

  • People with advanced age who have extremely saggy and loose skin because there will be very little improvement in such cases after the treatment
  • Obese people with a very heavy, thick, and rugged skin
  • Patients having multiple skin allergies
  • People suffering from an infectious disease of the skin
  • Immunocompromised patients with diseases like AIDS, cancer, etc.
  • Diabetics

What Is The Procedure Of PDO Thread Lift Singapore?

The PDO thread lift Singapore procedure is done in the following steps;

Discussion and Initial Assessment: Before the procedure, you will have a one-on-one meeting with your doctor in which the doctor will tell you about the changes required to improve the appearance of your skin, and what results you can expect from this PDO thread lift procedure. Your doctor will also make an initial assessment of your skin to determine the number and types of PDO threads to be used during the procedure.

local anaesthesia before threadlift treatment

Pre-operative Preparation: On the procedure day, you will be asked to sit in a reclined chair. The doctor will disinfect your skin with the help of alcohol to minimize the risks of infection. A local anaesthetic will be injected under your skin. This will make the procedure pain-free.

Incision: A prick on the skin is made using a small needle. This creates the entry points for the insertion of the cannula.

Threads Placement: A sharp needle or blunt cannula is then inserted into the skin which helps in directing and placement of PDO threads into different layers of the skin. The surgeon will then anchor the threads into their place and pulls out the cannula.

thread lift procedure in singapore

How Much Time Is Required For The Completion Of Procedure?

It depends upon the area being treated. However, the whole procedure generally takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete. It can easily be done during the lunch break. Moreover, you can get back to your daily work routine after the procedure, right away.

Things To Avoid Before Procedure

Following things should be avoided before undergoing PDO thread lifts as some of these causes dehydration while others increase the risks of excessive bleeding during the procedure;

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Omega fish oil
  • Vitamin E
  • Garlic
  • Aspirin-based products or medications
  • High-intensity exercises
  • Steam baths

What Is The Aftercare Of PDO Thread Lift?

Although the PDO thread lift has minimal downtime, recovery period, and side effects, still much can be done in the form of aftercare to boost up the recovery process and to get the best results.

ideal sleeping position after threadlift


  • Sleep straight on your back while keeping your head elevated.
  • Ice the wound sites if you experience bruising or swelling.
  • Take painkillers after meals to counter pain (if present).


  • Do not wash your face for at least 12 hours after the procedure.
  • Avoid makeup or facials for the first 48 hours.
  • Avoid rubbing your face for at least a week after the procedure. It may dislodge the threads from their position.
  • Do not sleep on your side as it will put pressure on your face.
  • Intense exercises like running, swimming, heavy lifting, etc, should be avoided.
  • Do not massage, scrub or exfoliate your skin for at least 3 weeks.
  • Avoid going to the sauna or having steam baths.
  • Avoid taking aspirin for pain for 2 weeks as it will increase the risk of bruising and postoperative hemorrhage.
  • Do not get any dental procedure for at least 2 weeks.

How Long Do The Results Last?

It varies from person to person and with age. According to a retrospective study, published in 2019, it was found that instant results can be seen soon after having the treatment. However, the results remain persistent for 6 months and start declining after that and become completely non-apparent after the passage of 1 year. [3]

Another study claims it to be as long as 3 to 4 years in young people, while old people enjoy the benefits for only 1 or 2 years. [4]

So, results may last for a couple of years but PDO threads dissolve within 6 to 9 months. Therefore, results may start fading within months and you may have to undergo repeat or maintenance procedures after every 6 to 9 months.

How Much Does PDO Thread Lift Singapore Cost?

The total price depends upon multiple factors, like;

  • Area to be treated
  • Number of threads used
  • Type and quality of PDO threads used
  • Experience of the surgeon
  • The locality of the clinic

On average, the cost of PDO thread lift Singapore ranges between $3000 to $6000.

What Is The Downtime And Recovery Time?

PDO thread lift has negligible downtime and a very short recovery period as compared to the traditional facelift procedures. You can return to work shortly after getting the treatment. The swelling and minor bruises at the treatment sites resolve within 5 to 7 days.

Are There Any Side Effects Or Complications?

PDO thread lift Singapore is a highly effective and safe procedure with minimal side effects. These include;

  • Pain
  • Bruising
  • Swelling/inflammation
  • Soreness
  • Apparent sutures
  • Collection of blood (hematoma)

Some side effects occur as a consequence of the technique and the type of thread used. These include;

  • Surface depression or dimpling of the skin
  • Asymmetrical face
  • Thread displacement
  • Thread expulsion
  • Persistent pain

Serious side effects and complications are very rare. These include;

  • Wound infection
  • Formation of granuloma (hard nodule)
  • Salivary gland or duct injury
  • Nerve damage

Which Areas Of Face Can Be Treated With PDO Thread Lift?

Following face areas can be aesthetically improved by using PDO thread lifts;

  • Eyebrows
  • Undereye areas
  • Wrinkles in the periorbital skin (Crow’s feet)
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Jawline
  • Jowls
  • Neck

Take Away

PDO thread lift Singapore has become a very popular facelift treatment these days. It lifts the loose and saggy skin, removes lines and wrinkles, and helps in diminishing the skin folds and creases. It has minimal downtime and recovery periods as compared to the traditional facelift procedure. The risks of side effects are also very less. Results are visible instantly after the treatment; however, they start fading away after 6 months so you have to undergo repeat or maintenance procedures to sustain the looks of your skin.

About Dream Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery

Bespoke surgical for cosmetic or medical reasons is what Dream covers to bring out the beauty in every individual. Going beyond the aesthetics and working on physical anomalies are what we value the most in leading our patients to cherish self-improvement and confident lifestyles.

Derived from Associate Professor Vincent Yeow’s long-standing experience performing plastic surgery in Singapore, our treatment plans deliver physical remodelling in our patients’ favour. One of the notable remodellings is droopy eyelid correction. The ptosis surgery used for treatment eventually fixes drooping eyelids, improves vision and enhances appearance.

Most importantly, as a trustworthy plastic surgery and aesthetic clinic, we treasure positive and natural outcomes for each individual. We will ensure to deliver the beauty refinement of your dream without compromising your safety and privacy.


1.Thread Lift – Is the Lunch Time Lift Right for You? – Cost Info [Internet]. Your Cosmetic Source. [cited 27 August 2021]. Available from:
2.Shimizu Y, Terase K. Thread lift with absorbable monofilament threads. J Japan Soc Aesthetic Plast Surg. 2013;35(2):1-2.
3.Bertossi D, Botti G, Gualdi A, Fundarò P, Nocini R, Pirayesh A, van der Lei B. Effectiveness, longevity, and complications of facelift by barbed suture insertion. Aesthetic surgery journal. 2019 Feb 15;39(3):241-7.
4.Wu WT. Commentary on: effectiveness, longevity, and complications of facelift by barbed suture insertion. Aesthetic surgery journal. 2019 Feb;39(3):248.
5.Barbed Suture Lift | Thread Facelift | Thread Lift | Thread Lift Cost [Internet]. ISAPS. [cited 25 August 2021]. Available from:
6.Kalra R. Use of barbed threads in facial rejuvenation. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2008 Oct;41(S 01):93-100.