Brow Lift Surgery

Procedure Time
1.5 – 2 Hours

Light Sedation

Recovery Period
10 – 14 Days

Stitch Removal
7 Days Post-op
What Is A Brow Lift Surgery?
Individuals with droopy brows may notice a visible change in their brow angle, such as a lower or less prominent arch that gives off a frowning impression or, in some cases, brow asymmetry. Furthermore, drooping of brows due to any cause can also cause sagging eyelids which makes one look tired even when they are well-rested.
A brow lift surgery is a procedure to correct droopy brows. It improves the appearance of the forehead, alters the angle of the eyebrows, and addresses both functional and aesthetic issues of the eyelids by raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.
Who Is Suitable For A Brow Lift Surgery?
A brow lift surgery is a viable option for:
- Lifting drooping eye brows, resulting in smaller looking eyes which may affect eye sight.
- Brightening up tired-looking eyes or improve the perception of a frustrated look.
- Correcting droopy eyelids due to ageing, sagging skin, or a connective tissue disorder without altering the double eyelids.
- Addressing eye irritation caused by rubbing of eyelashes against the eye.
- Exposing hidden double eyelid crease due to sagging skin.
- Those who want to correct brow asymmetry.
Types of Brow Lift Surgery
Brow lift procedures may vary depending on several factors, such as the age, any pre-existing medical or eye conditions, degree of skin sagging, and the desired results. The surgeon will choose the specific technique and determine the location of the incisions. A brow lift surgery is further classified into two, depending on the location of the incisions.
Upper Brow lift
It is suitable for patients who wish to lift or alter the arch of the eyebrow and where there is little space between the eye and brows. In such cases, a further reduction of height would not favor the aesthetic outcome. Hence the lifting is done through an incision above the eyebrow.
In the process of lifting the eyebrows, excess skin is removed, and the brow arch is positioned upwards.

Surgery procedure steps for Upper Brow Lift
- The surgeon plans the location of the incision and section required for removal considering the eye shape, height of the eyebrows, and amount of excess skin and soft tissue on the eyelid.
- The extra bulk of muscles, sagging skin, and excess fats are removed.
- To create a lifting effect, the remaining tissue and skin are pinned upwards
- The incision is closed neatly under the eyebrow.
Sub-Brow Lift
In this procedure, a small incision is made below the brow. It is suitable for patients with ample space between eye and eyebrow. This procedure can bring satisfactory results for individuals with the drooping of the outer corner of the eye and also lift droopy eyelids, exposing hidden double eyelid crease and relieve eye irritation caused by eyelashes when they rub against the eye.

Surgery procedure steps for Sub-Brow Lift
- The first step is the assessment of eye structure, the height of the eyebrows, and the amount of excess skin, muscle, and fatty tissue on the eyelid.
- The surgeon marks the section that needs to be removed. An incision is made below the eyebrow, and excess skin and muscles are removed.
- The incision is later closed neatly under the eyebrow.
Want to know more about the brow lift surgery or which procedure suits you the best? Ask us, and we would love to hear!
You can also contact us for general consultation or to view some before and after pictures to figure out if a brow lift procedure is right for you. Fill in our enquiry form below or contact us at +65 6871 8888.
Benefits Of Brow Lift Surgery
Let’s take a quick look at the benefits brow lift surgery can bring.
- Removal of excess skin opens up the eye area, resulting in a more alert appearance
- Improve the appearance of droopy eyelids
- Improve wrinkles and line around the eyes
- Eliminate vision obstruction concerns due to excessive hooding of upper eyelids
- Even out asymmetrical brow positions
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Brow Lift Surgery
Will I Have A Surprised Look After My Browlift?
Usually, a surprised look is either created by lifting the brow too high or elevating the inner brow a little too much concerning the outer one. The outer brow should be kept higher as compared to the inner brow, but when it’s not, a surprising look is a result.
Can Asymmetric Eyes Or Eyebrows Be Fixed?
Most people have some level of asymmetries in their facial anatomy. Some of the brow asymmetry may be balanced with surgery.
How Long Does The Swelling Last?
You can expect swelling to increase after surgery, and it usually reaches its peak in 2-3 days after the procedure. But it starts subsiding after that and patients experience a rapid reduction in swelling during the first week after the procedure. Remnant swelling continues to decrease gradually over the week that follows.
In the first couple of weeks, patients can expect almost 80% of the post-surgical swelling to go away. It may take around 3 months for any remaining swelling to completely subside. But subtle changes happen at that point.
How Soon Can I Go Back To Work?
When you can go back to work is an extremely individualized subject and the exact time varies from person to person. If your job doesn’t require heavy lifting and straining, you should be back on it in almost 10-14 days. In some cases, patients get back to work even sooner than that and many of them start working from home after a week of having brow lift surgery.
When Can I Wear Makeup Or Contact Lenses After Brow Lift Surgery?
Patients should avoid makeup around the site of surgery for one week after the procedure. Generally, the use of contact lenses is allowed after one week of the brow lift procedure as well. As your doctor will keep monitoring your healing progress, they’ll help establish the right time for resuming makeup around and on the areas being treated.
When Can I Resume Exercise?
You should avoid any exercise that increases your blood pressure or elevates your heart rate in the initial period of recovery. However, taking a light walk can benefit you right from the day you undergo a brow lift procedure.
It is recommended that the patients should wait 3-4 weeks before they could resume their regular workouts as raised blood pressure can interfere with the healing process.
Are The Results Permanent?
Though you can expect the positive impact created by a single brow lift procedure to last, you’ll keep ageing after having surgery and touch-ups will be needed to maintain optimal results. That’s because the brow starts drooping again by that time. If the patients avoid touch-ups, they won’t experience as much drooping in the treatment site as they would without having the procedure in the first place.
Is The Scar From A Brow Lift Surgery Visible?
Usually, the scars are hidden along with your brow hair. Initially, they may look a little pinkish, but they continue to blend into your natural skin tone as time goes on and they heal up. If you’re concerned about scars, you can cover them up with brow embroidery or brow makeup after your skin has recovered completely.