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Thigh Liposuction And Skin Tightening For Slimmer, Tighter Legs
thigh liposuction for slimmer legs

Thigh Liposuction And Skin Tightening For Slimmer, Tighter Legs

What comes to your mind when you think of the word Liposuction? You may think of a huge belly or excessive abdominal fat – however, that is not the only area of the body that  Liposuction can be performed on. Another popular area to get a liposuction in Singapore is the anterior, posterior, inner, and outer regions of the thighs. This is because most people struggle with excessive fat in this region, which is not easy to get off with a simple diet change or an easy exercise routine.

Why Is Thigh Liposuction Popular?

thigh fat deposition

Stats show that the thigh is one of the body areas in which the fat deposition is relatively high. Weight, gender, and genetics are some of the facts which determine this excess fat accumulation. When the weight is high, after the energy expenditure, the excess is stored as fat. Females are more prone to have fat deposits due to the effect caused by female sex hormones. These hormones reduce the rate at which fat is burnt which creates a fat excess. Pregnancy is a state in which large stocks of fat are stored. The problem is, they are harder to get rid of, even after childbirth! Some are viable to fat accumulation by their genes and that fact is hard to reverse just by diet and workouts.

Why Is Thigh Fat Hard To Remove Through Diet And Exercise?

The thigh is considered one of the hardest places to get rid of fatty deposits in the entire body, as a quick exercise and diet change do not usually result in any significant changes. The accumulation of fat in the thighs can either be due to genetics – which means that this type of fat distribution runs in the family, or it may be caused by a lack of exercise or an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. While those individuals who have it due to a lack of exercise may be able to lose off the excess fat after practising a more active lifestyle, those who have inherited it may not be able to get rid of the fat even after exercise and dieting.

One major reason why the majority of people complain of thigh fat and report it to be one of the first places to gain fatty tissue in the body when one starts to gain weight is the lack of deep compartments in this region of the body. This means that the fatty deposits are unable to be stored deep in the thigh tissues and remain superficial, which leads to their bulky appearance on the outside.

Who Should Consider Thigh Liposuction?

stubborn thigh fat

When you go to the plastic surgeon’s office for a consultation about your thigh liposuction, they will usually first make sure that you are a good candidate to get the procedure done. Some key factors that allow an individual to have a successful thigh liposuction procedure done include:

  1. They should be at their ideal body weight according to their height and bone density. However, if someone is not at their ideal body weight, they should at least be within 30% of this range before getting their liposuction procedure done.
  2. The person should not be suffering from any lifelong illnesses and should not have any medical condition that will interfere with their ability to heal after the procedure.
  3. The individual should ideally abstain from smoke. However, even if they do smoke on a regular basis, they should stop smoking at least three weeks before the procedure as it may interfere with their healing and increase their risk of infection.
  4. They should not have excessive hanging or saggy skin around the thigh area as this may lead to wrinkles in the thighs after the liposuction procedure.
  5. The individual who wants to get the Liposuction should have realistic goals in their mind and be positive about the overall outlook and outcome of the procedure.

Which Areas Of The Legs Can Undergo Liposuction?

areas suitable for thigh liposuction

1. Inner Thighs

The most common area to get thigh liposuction is the inner legs. This is because a majority of people desire a thigh gap, which is when the skin of the two thighs are not touching each other while the legs are together. The doctor may treat this area by performing Liposuction all the way to the inner portion to the knees to achieve the desired results.

2. Outer Thighs

The outer thighs are also a common area where Liposuction may be performed as this area commonly presents excessive fat accumulation, which is also known as saddlebags. This is a major concern for many because fat accumulation in this area may cause the legs to appear shorter than they really are and also affect the person’s overall silhouette, making the body look more bottom-heavy.

3. Anterior (Frontal) Thighs

The anterior or frontal portion of the thighs might be the least common area to get Liposuction, but still, one that is received by many all over the world. When fat accumulates in the anterior regions of the thighs, it causes the legs to look like they are protruded forward and results in a disproportionate appearance of the legs as compared to the rest of the body. Hence the anterior thigh liposuction can help balance the legs with the rest of the body and allow one to feel more confident in showing off their legs in public. Moreover, an important feature found in this area is the feminine curvature of the thighs, which must be preserved while performing the liposuction procedure in the frontal area of the thighs.

4. Posterior (Back) Thighs

Liposuction may also be performed on the posterior portion of the thighs, which mainly consists of firm fatty tissue. This tissue can often get stressed to the pressure it is exposed to for extended periods of time as one sits or performs activities that require stretching. Due to the type of fatty tissue present in this part of the thigh and the extent of stressors this particular tissue is exposed to, it is highly advised to get the posterior thigh liposuction by an experienced professional.

Final Thoughts

Thigh liposuction is a well-known procedure worldwide, which plays an effective role in removing the diet and exercise-resistant fat and proportionate your body contour. It is minimally invasive and safer to utilise. Liposuction of the thighs has gained popularity as this area commonly experiences excess fat deposition and responds well to contouring treatments. Liposuction is achieved mainly by two methods namely “power-assisted liposuction” and “laser-assisted liposuction”. Compression garments are essential in the postoperative recovery phase, aiding in reducing swelling, supporting tissue retraction, and enhancing overall healing outcomes. The recovery period for liposuction is subjective and varies among individuals, but it typically does not exceed one to two months. Optimal results can usually be seen within a few months post-procedure. The cost of liposuction in Singapore can vary significantly, depending on multiple factors including the extent of the procedure and the surgeon’s experience.

Want to find out more about thigh liposuction surgery in Singapore? Speak to our medical consultant at Dream Aesthetic & Plastic Surgery.

About Dream Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery

Bespoke surgical for cosmetic or medical reasons is what Dream covers to bring out the beauty in every individual. Going beyond the aesthetics and working on physical anomalies are what we value the most in leading our patients to cherish self-improvement and confident lifestyles.

Derived from Associate Professor Vincent Yeow’s long-standing experience performing plastic surgery in Singapore, our treatment plans deliver physical remodelling in our patients’ favour. One of the notable remodellings is droopy eyelid correction. The ptosis surgery used for treatment eventually fixes drooping eyelids, improves vision and enhances appearance.

Most importantly, as a trustworthy plastic surgery and aesthetic clinic, we treasure positive and natural outcomes for each individual. We will ensure to deliver the beauty refinement of your dream without compromising your safety and privacy.


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4. Bartow MJ, Raggio BS. Liposuction. [Updated 2021 Sep 28]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2021 Jan-. Available from: