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Ultimate Guide to Create Ideal Eye Shape with Ptosis Correction
guide create ideal eye shape ptosis correction

Ultimate Guide to Create Ideal Eye Shape with Ptosis Correction

Creating double eyelids is often considered a way to make one’s eyes look more attractive. However, even the eyes with monolids or a slight crease can look charming on certain people as well. Generally, for attractive eyes, what matters the most is the eye shape as it defines the exposure and location of the pupil. For individuals who lack an ideal pupil exposure, Canthoplasty with Ptosis correction can help achieve the desired results.

In fact, Ptosis surgery is considered a more viable option than double eyelid surgery in such cases. Especially, when the less than ideal pupil exposure is caused by the weakness of eye muscles, a simple Ptosis treatment strengthening the muscles can fix the problem and make the eyes look bigger and clearer.

What Is Ptosis Or Droopy Eyelid?

ptosis condition stages

‘Ptosis’ or ‘Blepharoptosis’, generally known as droopy eyelid, is a condition when the eyelid starts drooping over the eye and covers a part of it. Many patients even don’t know that they have developed ptosis and only find out during a consultation.

A droopy eyelid or ptosis would normally just make the patients look sleepy. However, in some cases, it may also obstruct one’s vision – a condition known as medical ptosis. Even if they are able to have a normal vision, they end up straining their forehead and eyebrows to keep the eyes open.

Some common symptoms of ptosis include fatigue over one’s eyebrows or constant tiredness even after having enough rest or headaches in the middle of the forehead.

How Ptosis Correction Helps?

Ptosis correction is a procedure that helps improve the patient’s eye shape by strengthening their eye-opening muscles. So, if the eye does not have enough muscle strength, a Ptosis surgery in Singapore can present a more spacious and distinct eye shape while creating a more attractive and clearer double eyelid. The surgery also allows the patients to open their eyes easily and prevent wrinkles that often result from habitual eyebrow-raising or squinting.

Who Should Undergo Ptosis Correction And What Results To Expect?

The ideal candidates for a ptosis treatment would be:

  • Individuals with visual axis obstruction
  • Individuals who find it hard to lift the eyelids or feel strain when lifting them
  • Individuals with small or sleepy-looking eyes
  • Individuals who need to increase the eye aperture

The patients who undergo ptosis surgery can expect both functional and aesthetic improvements. These include:

Functional Improvements

  1. An improved vision by eliminating the obstruction caused by the droopy eyelid
  2. No headaches caused by using the forehead muscles for opening the eyelids
  3. An improved vision with no need of using the brows for lifting the eyelid or tilting of the head backwards

Aesthetic Improvements

  1. A less sleepy and more well-rested appearance
  2. Formation of eyelid creases
  3. Larger, more attractive eyes

Various Ptosis Correction Techniques And How They Are Performed

The plastic surgeon may use one of the following ptosis correction techniques for creating an ideal eye shape and achieving desired results.

1. Suture Ptosis Correction

non incision ptosis correction

This procedure is performed through a small incision made into the skin of the upper eyelid while making sure the levator is not exposed. The major advantage of using this technique is that a small incision is made due to which the downtime is relatively shorter. This technique is appropriate for the treatment of mild ptosis only and should only be used for patients who have good levator function.

2. Open Ptosis Correction

This procedure is performed with the type of incision used in incisional blepharoplasty for creating double eyelid creases. In this case, however, the surgeon performs a deeper dissection for reaching the patient’s levator mechanism for enabling ptosis repair.

This technique is most widely used today and it is effective for mild-to-moderate ptosis correction. It is used to treat ptosis in patients with moderate-to-good levator function.

3. Frontalis Suspension Technique

This procedure is used only for treating severe ptosis and harnesses the frontalis (forehead) muscle for assisting in elevating the upper eyelid. This technique is quite powerful and invasive and, therefore, it is used only for individuals who have severe ptosis and weak levator function.

Are There Any Complications Involved In The Ptosis Surgery?

Yes, complications can occur at times but when the most qualified surgeons perform the Ptosis Surgery in Singapore, they know how these complications should be managed. Some complications to expect include:

  • Bleeding, Swelling, and Bruising
  • Abnormalities in the lid contour
  • Under/Overcorrection
  • Lid Malpositioning
  • Lagophthalmos (Losing ability to close the eye)

Ptosis correction doesn’t often cause any major complications and even when it does, they are temporary and can be treated easily. Some of the major complications can include chemosis – the swelling on the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane that lines the eyelid on the inside – and lagophthalmos which is when the patient is unable to close their eyelids completely.

As the surgeon makes the incision along an eyelid crease of the patient, there are no complications observed in the healing process. Any competent plastic surgeon can treat the complications easily.

Some of the complications, like under correction, appear initially after the procedure but they tend to disappear after some time. So, it is recommended that the patients should wait for 3 months, at least, for proper recovery and for any bruising to go away. No further action should be taken in this time period.

How Long Does it Take To Recover After Ptosis Surgery And What It’s Like?

Usually, Ptosis surgery needs more downtime as compared to simple blepharoplasty that is used for creating the double eyelid creases. However, the patients can resume their routine activities within a week after undergoing ptosis treatment.

Some bruising is normal after the surgery and it typically fades away in 1-2 weeks. The patients may be able to reduce bruising by apply a cool compress in the beginning. One should also expect swelling after the surgery and it will peak around the second or the third day after the surgery and then starts subsiding.

The surgeon will remove the sutures on day 5 after the surgery. Most patients can expect to get back to work in a week. It is advisable, however, that the patients do not schedule any major social events inside 2 weeks of undergoing the ptosis surgery.

Schedule a consultation to learn more about ptosis surgery

Achieving ideal eye shape is desirable and it is very much possible with ptosis correction. If you feel you have developed a droopy eyelid and feel strain trying to keep your eyes open, consult with a qualified plastic surgeon at Dream. If recommended, Ptosis Surgery in Singapore can help achieve an ideal eye shape eliminating all the underlying causes.

About Dream Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery

Bespoke surgical for cosmetic or medical reasons is what Dream covers to bring out the beauty in every individual. Going beyond the aesthetics and working on physical anomalies are what we value the most in leading our patients to cherish self-improvement and confident lifestyles.

Derived from Associate Professor Vincent Yeow’s long-standing experience performing plastic surgery in Singapore, our treatment plans deliver physical remodelling in our patients’ favour. One of the notable remodellings is droopy eyelid correction. The ptosis surgery used for treatment eventually fixes drooping eyelids, improves vision and enhances appearance.

Most importantly, as a trustworthy plastic surgery and aesthetic clinic, we treasure positive and natural outcomes for each individual. We will ensure to deliver the beauty refinement of your dream without compromising your safety and privacy.