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3 Areas To Do Liposuction On To Completely Transform Your Body Shape
3 Areas To Do Liposuction On To Completely Transform Your Body Shape

3 Areas To Do Liposuction On To Completely Transform Your Body Shape

Diet and exercise help many people achieve their goals regarding body shape. People may lose weight but still, be unable to get rid of fat pockets. Diet and Exercise are not enough to reduce the fat from specific areas of the body like the arm, belly, thighs, and chest. That is why many people seek help from cosmetic procedures such as liposuction in Singapore.

New statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeon shows that liposuction is among the top 5 most commonly performed cosmetic plastic surgery procedures in the United States. It is a great option for all those people who want to shape their bodies. This cosmetic procedure is aimed at contouring the areas of the body with stubborn and excessive fat, particularly, the abdomen, arms, and thighs.

Scroll down below to understand everything about liposuction surgery in Singapore, and which 3 areas can be addressed through this treatment to completely transform your body shape.

What Is Liposuction?

What Is Liposuction

Liposuction refers to the cosmetic surgical procedure which involves the removal of excess fat cells from the body. In this treatment, tiny incisions are made on the skin, and fat deposits are extracted using a cannula.

Liposuction surgery in Singapore reduces the number of resistant fat cells in the targeted areas of the body. It sculpts the body and improves your physique by removing fat from the arms, belly, hips, and waist area. People with more elasticity will get better results because skin molds easily into new contours.

What Are Different Types Of Liposuction Singapore?

The following are various types of liposuction;

  • VASER Liposuction: VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance, and it works by loosening the fat deposit so it can be easily extracted by liposuction. The fat cells loosen up with the help of ultrasound energy that is delivered with the help of a probe inserted under the skin.
  • Smartlipo: It is another type of liposuction which is used to target relatively small areas of the body. A fiber-optic laser is inserted into the skin to reach fat deposits. The frequency of the laser destroys the membranes of fat cells, which are then engulfed by macrophages. This type of liposuction is minimally invasive because it doesn’t require the cannula to clean the fat cells, rather they are cleared by a biological process.
  • Traditional liposuction: It removes the fatty deposits manually without first loosening the fat cells. This procedure involves the breaking of fat cells with the repetitive back-and-forth movements of the cannula.
  • Water-assisted liposuction: This is the advanced form of traditional liposuction. In this type of liposuction, anesthetic fluid is injected at the same time. This fluid comes out from the cannula as low-pressure waves and helps to dislodge large amounts of fat.

What Benefits Can You Get With Liposuction?

Here are some cosmetic as well as therapeutic benefits offered by liposuction treatment;

  • Shape your Body: Liposuction improves the shape and contour of your body as the procedure targets fatty deposits. This procedure sucks out the excess fat cells and achieves the desired body shape.
  • Remove Lipomas: Lipomas are fatty benign tumors in some areas of the body. Liposuction will help to remove the lipomas permanently.
  • Treat Gynecomastia: It can help men with gynecomastia, which means excessive breast tissue under the breast of a man. Liposuction helps to remove the fat from breast tissues.
  • Improve Health: A study published by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons has shown that liposuction reduces triglyceride levels in the body. Besides, the number of inflammatory cells in the body also decreases by 11 percent. In this way, liposuction trims down the risks of various health problems like cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, hypertension, etc, which are associated with high levels of triglycerides and inflammatory cells in the body.
  • Improved Self-esteem: Overweight people often suffer from low self-esteem. Liposuction helps to improve their appearance and as a result increase self-esteem.

The 3 Common Focus Areas To Achieve Shaper Body

3 Common Focus Areas To Achieve Shapier Body

Liposuction can be done on any part of the body, but the most common focus areas are the arms, abdomen, and thighs, to achieve the toned, sculpted figure. These parts of the body mostly contain some extra fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise.

  • Arms: Fat deposits in the upper arm are an area of great concern, especially for women. With the natural process of aging, the flexibility of muscles decreases and becomes loose. As a result, the area of the armpit sags and bulges. To improve the sagging skin, another procedure called an arm lift is also performed along with liposuction to give you the best possible results. Arm Liposuction Singapore can be performed to remove fat and improve contours.
  • Thighs: The thighs are the most commonly treated area for liposuction. Thigh liposuction can be done on either the inner or outer sides of the thigh. After doing a proper diet and exercise, some amount of fat remains on the body, which can be sucked out with the help of liposuction. Based on your body type, the liposuction procedure will allow you to get a thigh gap.
  • Abdomen: The abdomen is the part of the body that least responds to the traditional methods of weight loss. In other words, abdominal fat is stubborn and hard to remove, but liposuction will change your profile by removing fat deposits from your belly. This improves your body shape and helps you in attaining a flatter abdomen.

What Is The Procedure For Liposuction Surgery Singapore?

The first step in liposuction surgery in Singapore is the administration of a tumescent solution, which acts as anesthesia as well as decreases bleeding during the procedure. Depending on the type of liposuction used, some sort of energy is used to loosen up the layers of fat. When the fat becomes soft, it is very easy to suck it out. The targeted areas are then sculpted and contoured to give you a shaper figure.

Why Should You Choose Liposuction Singapore?

There are many reasons people decide to get liposuction surgery in Singapore, but the three most common reasons for choosing the procedure are the following:

  • More permanent results: The fat cells that are removed with the help of liposuction cannot get back, so you get more permanent results. However, if you don’t follow a healthy lifestyle and diet, the already present cells can increase in size or new fat cells may form which makes the result less dramatic.
  • Improve physique and gain confidence: Liposuction reshapes many body parts and gives a more perfect body shape. You may look good in your outfit now, but you will surely want to enhance your look. After liposuction, you can wear anything with confidence, including tight jeans, shorts, and sleeveless tops.
  • Reduce fat resistance to exercise and diet: You may believe that no matter how much exercise and diet you do, soft areas of puffy fat persist. Liposuction is effective in reducing that type of resistant fat. The aesthetic results of liposuction will motivate people to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

Who Is A Suitable Candidate For Liposuction Singapore?

Suitable Candidate For Liposuction Singapore

Anyone who has some disproportionate and resistant fatty areas in the body can benefit from liposuction. Stubborn fat areas can be easily removed by this treatment. However, there are certain criteria you must fulfill;

  • You must be in good general health
  • You must be fit for anesthesia
  • You should not have any bleeding diathesis or comorbidities that may hinder the results
  • You should have realistic expectations

It is a myth that only slim individuals can get liposuction surgery and benefit from it. Even an obese person with puffy fat areas can get liposuction. However, liposuction in Singapore cannot help with weight loss or obesity. If you want to lose weight, you should focus on exercise and diet.

What Is The Cost Of Liposuction In Singapore?

The procedure of liposuction involves many components, and each component contributes to the total liposuction cost. There are the fees of the surgeon, anesthesiologist fee, compression garments price, charges of the operation theatre, and medication. If there is another procedure in combination with liposuction, then there are extra charges for this too. So, the liposuction in Singapore price is highly variable.

The cost of liposuction in Singapore generally ranges from $5000 to $8000 for relatively small areas. Multiple areas’ liposuction can cost you from $12000 to $25000.


Liposuction is a surgical procedure that must be performed by a certified plastic surgeon to get rid of excess and stubborn body fat that is refractory to diet and exercise. It will help to boost your confidence and health in the long run. Liposuction surgery in Singapore also gives you consistent results that make your body look sculpted and contoured. The arms, thighs, and abdomen are the combined areas to do liposuction to transform your body completely.

About Dream Aesthetics and Plastic Surgery

Bespoke surgical for cosmetic or medical reasons is what Dream covers to bring out the beauty in every individual. Going beyond the aesthetics and working on physical anomalies are what we value the most in leading our patients to cherish self-improvement and confident lifestyles.

Derived from Associate Professor Vincent Yeow’s long-standing experience performing plastic surgery in Singapore, our treatment plans deliver physical remodelling in our patients’ favour. One of the notable remodellings is droopy eyelid correction. The ptosis surgery used for treatment eventually fixes drooping eyelids, improves vision and enhances appearance.

Most importantly, as a trustworthy plastic surgery and aesthetic clinic, we treasure positive and natural outcomes for each individual. We will ensure to deliver the beauty refinement of your dream without compromising your safety and privacy.