Nano Facial Fat Grafting

Procedure Time
1 – 1.5 Hours
Light Sedation
Recovery Period
10 – 14 Days
Stitch Removal
7 Days Post-op

What is Nano Facial Fat Grafting

Cosmetic Surgery Fat Transfer

Nano facial fat grafting is a technique, in which fat is harvested from another site of the body, processed, and then injected into the volume-deficient areas of the face. It is used as an aesthetic procedure to improve the facial contours, soften the facial features, fill up the hollow areas, fade wrinkles, etc.

Why Nano Facial Fat Injection?

This facial fat grafting technique selectively transfers pure fat having uncontaminated and healthy living cells collected after double filtration.  The cannula used in this procedure is also much thinner compared to the conventional cannulas. It makes sure that when the surgeon reinjects the fat throughout the area that has been treated, fat cells are distributed evenly throughout to prevent any unevenness. As a result, the patient gets smoother skin with minimal uneven patches on the surface of the skin.

Benefits of Nano Facial Fat Grafting

Some of the key benefits of Nano facial fat grafting include:

  • A natural and safe procedure that uses the patient’s own fat and helps avoid any allergic reactions.
  • A versatile treatment option to address multiple cosmetic issues like scars, depressions, and wrinkles.
  • Long-lasting and more natural-looking results compared to dermal fillers.
  • Helps contour other body parts from where the fat is extracted.
  • Minimal downtime, allowing patients to resume everyday routine a few days after the procedure.
  • Helps improve skin quality as the stem cells from the harvested fat offer growth factors for long-term facial rejuvenation.

Who Needs Nano Fat Injection?

Nano facial fat grafting is suitable for a variety of people, with reasons differing from person to person. Some common reasons people opt for fat grafting include:

  • To get rid of creases, aging lines, and wrinkles from the face
  • To get a more permanent wrinkle correction than that provided by temporary fillers
  • To improve facial contours and revise scars
  • To fill facial depressions and rejuvenate the face
  • To enjoy the reduced risk of an allergic reaction

Facial Areas Suitable For Fat Grafting

Fat transfer to the face is quite effective in restoring facial fullness by targeting multiple areas of the face. As a result, one can effectively reverse the signs of ageing showing on their face. With face fat grafting, one can address volume loss in:

  • Forehead
  • Cheeks
  • Jowls
  • Under the Eyes
  • Nasolabial Folds
  • Lips

Facial Fat Grafting Procedure

fat transfer process

Face fat grafting is generally completed in a 3-step step procedure where the fat is harvested, purified, and then re-injected into the desired areas. Before undergoing the procedure, intravenous sedation is typically given to the patient with local anaesthesia so that any discomfort could be eased away. After that, the following steps are performed:

Step 1: Fat Removal

The doctor extracts fat tissue from different fat-rich areas of the body like thighs, lower back, hips, buttocks, abdomen, or other donor areas chosen with the patient’s consent. Fat removal is done with liposuction using special equipment to minimize the damage.

Step 2: Fat Cell Isolation/Purification:

fat purification

After collecting the fat, it is poured into a centrifuge and then processed for purification purposes. During the process, any damaged and dead fat cells are removed along with the unnecessary fluids to leave behind only the healthy cells that are ready for transfer. These healthy fat cells are highly likely to connect to adapt to the new environment and thrive there for years.

Step 3: Fat Re-injection

After purifying the fat, it is precisely and carefully injected into the target areas or recipient sites in the face of the patient. The injections are, generally, given at different depths in order to ensure that the desired results are achieved. After the face fat grafting, the low-volume facial areas become smoother and fuller.

Recovery From Facial Fat Grafting

The donor area, from where fat grafts were harvested through liposuction, will show some bruising and mild discomfort after the procedure. It may take 2 weeks for recovery.

On the other hand, the face will appear swollen after the treatment. It is both because of swelling and the extra amount of fat injected into the recipient area. You can expect some bruising as well. Once the swelling subsides and the extra amount of fat gets absorbed into the surrounding tissues, the results will stabilize.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Facial Fat Grafting in Singapore

The quantity of fat required for transfer is relatively small and most skinny patients can qualify for the procedure too. Since the fat required for facial grafting is very little, removing fat from a donor site will not cause any dents in the skin.

For instance, regular liposuction of the love handles can involve removal of around 500 CC of fat, the 50 to 80 CC of fat collected for grafting is practically inconsequential with regards to having an obvious effect at the donor site.

For each facial grafting procedure, there are different requirements, and those will be assessed during your initial consultation. In general, the basic requirements for face fat grating include;

  • You should be healthy and active
  • You should have realistic expectations about the results
  • You must have adequate fat to harvest
  • You must be committed to healthy lifestyle choices.

Most surgeons recommend getting back to light physical activity at about 10 to 14 days. In any case, surgeons don’t want their patients indulging themselves in activities that could interfere with the outcomes of the fat grafts. The patient can resume their usual physical activities after 4 weeks following the procedure.

The cost of fat grafting (fat transfer) in Singapore varies from doctor to doctor, the fat grafting technique used, and location. The cost of fat grafting can also be affected by variables such as the surgery facility, medical tests, anesthesia, post-surgery prescription (if any), and other miscellaneous costs. On average, the procedure can be as low as $3,000 and as high as $10,000 or more.

It is recommended that you discuss the cost of your fat transfer procedure with your surgeon before you go ahead with it.

The results may vary from individuals. Some patients have experienced natural-looking and long-term results for a couple of years. The surgeon will be able to share more information and better advise during your consultation.

Studies have proven that storing or freezing your fat kills fat cells. Therefore, liposuction and fat grafting is done on the same day for optimal results.

This is one of the most common concerns expressed by the patients before the surgery. However, it’s just a myth and you will not experience a bulky look following fat grafting. The plastic surgeon just places fatty tissue along hollow areas of the face, e.g., around the eyes, the anterior chin, and cheeks.

Placing fat on the neck and jowls would make you look fatter, which is not a standard procedure done by plastic surgeons. Additionally, if you have a slightly heavier jowls or neck, grafting fat into the hollow facial areas can rebalance your facial proportion and result in a slimmer look.