Sseomagi RF Contouring

Body Skin Tightening

Sseomagi RF Contouring

As one ages, collagen production slows drastically, causing an increase in skin laxity and resulting in fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. Radio frequency treatment is a safe, non-invasive treatment that has been clinically proven to help smoothen, tauten and lift the skin with little to no downtime, improving its elasticity, reducing fine lines and sagging skin for a younger, fresher appearance.


Using a unique, patented radio frequency (RF) technology to reinvigorate the skin’s natural processes, this treatment safely heats the deeper layers of the skin, stimulating the natural regeneration of collagen to firm, tighten and contour. To ensure the comfort and safety of this treatment, the latest technology, Comfort Pulse Technology, is designed to deliver a cooling spray to protect the surface of the skin while deep-heating the softer underlying tissue beneath.


Stretch marks or loose, sagging skin resulting from pregnancy and drastic weight loss can be contoured and tightened with the help of radio frequency.

Expect tighter, firmer skin and sleeker body contours with little to no downtime after a single treatment session.


Improvements to the skin will continue for up to six months as the body continues to regenerate collagen, and results will last for at least a year depending on the individual’s ageing process. Radio frequency can be used to treat skin on various areas of the face and body and is customised to suit one’s needs.